Report an Absence
To ensure your child's absence is properly documented, please complete the School Absence Note form in its entirety and upload any required supporting documentation at Make sure to use an email address that is verifiable in eSchool, as this will be used for communication. If additional documentation is needed or incorrect documentation is submitted, promptly respond to any follow-up emails and upload the correct information. Once your submission is received, you will receive an email confirmation acknowledging that the School Absence Note has been successfully submitted.
Absences such as vacations and trips (except those excused by the principal for unusual circumstances), babysitting, working, and non-school-sponsored athletic events and programs shall be considered unexcused.
If your child is absent for more than 2 days, please contact your child's teacher to see if make-up work is needed. Keep in mind that teachers often prefer to work with your child on the work they missed when they return to school, so all assignments may not be sent home.
For more attendance questions, please contact: